Toddlers - Green Room

Graphic of green crayon

The world of wonder and exploration invites these little “ones” to experience learning in a variety of ways.  The classroom environment brings color and “down home” warmth.

Our teachers will encourage the children to learn through play, music, language repetition and many hands-on activities.  Most importantly, our teachers will use teachable moments to encourage learning and independence, while the children explore using all of their senses and abilities.

Green Room Infant Teachers

Jane Wolff

Classroom: Green Room ~ 1 yr. old Teacher

Education: Early Childhood Certification and Level 3 on Wisconsin Registry for Early Childhood Professionals.

Experience: Started Teaching in 2000 and came to By Leaps and Bounds February 2013.

Kayla Topper

Classroom: Green Room ~ 1 yr. old Teacher

Education: Working on Completing Early Childhood Certification and Level 1 on the Wisconsin Registry for Early Childhood Professionals.

Experience: New to the Childcare Profession Started at By Leaps and Bounds on June 3rd, 2024.

Roxanne Zick

Classroom: Green and Red Room ~ Float Teacher

Education: Early Childhood Certification and Level 3 on Wisconsin Registry for Early Childhood Professionals, 4 hour Nutrition and Food Service Training.

Experience: Family Childcare Provider 2001 – 2015

Professional Statement: Growing up I was always told I would make a great teacher. Unfortunately it was not my first choice after high school. I felt that life had a greater calling for me which got me started in childcare. Since then I have not looked back and those who told me I would make a great teacher were right. I love nurturing and watching children grow and develop and that moment when they are able to do it all by themselves can not be replicated. Each day is a new day filled with endless possibilities in the eyes of a child.

Toddler Curriculum

Our goal is to have every child’s day filled with learning experiences while meeting the needs of each child’s individual development.  We have combined some of the best curriculum to deliver an all encompassing learning experience.

Our curriculum provides teachers with the opportunity to teach to a child’s individual needs.  It encompasses learning style preferences, multiple intelligences, thematic approach, developmental domain;  which includes; cognitive, communication, social emotional; and developing small and large motor skills.

Program Curriculum

Our curriculum brings an environmental approach to learning through daily exploration.  This allows children to learn through exploring the world around them through creative centers.  Teachers provide child-guided instruction in centers including blocks, house area, table toys, art, sand, water, library corner, music and movement, cooking, and the outdoors.  The curriculum’s foundation is based on the belief that children learn through play.

All About Me

When  young children begin learning and sharing “All About Me” the next step is to begin to develop early friendships  with other children.  It also includes learning how to navigate in a group setting possibly for the first time in their young lives..  They are developing social skills, personal responsibility, sharing, cooperation and learning to  deal with emotions.

Story Times

Develops a strong foundation for early literacy in children through highly interactive and event oriented reading processes.  It focuses on language and teaches children the beginning techniques of reading.  Each book, finger play and flannel story provides visual art, language development and engages children in active communication.

Music and Movement

Music and movement takes throughout the day.  It is an integral part of circle time, transitions, free play and story time.  Music enhances language development, rhyming, hand-eye coordination, musical tones and introduction of simple instruments brings a smile to every child as they create their own music.

Singing Time

Allows young children the opportunity to expand their world through the art of communicating and using their own unique voice.  Each child is encouraged to express his or her unique vocal sound to inspire their individual creativity.  Singing can be silly, fun and a wonderful way for children to express their creativity in a safe nurturing environment.

Dramatic Play

We place a priority on giving children several opportunities for dramatic play during the day.  Dramatic play is central to children’s healthy development and learning during their early years.  The children explore a large number of themed play areas that change throughout the year; house area, dress up, pets and many others.


We encourage young children to “freely” create their own individualized art.  The most rewarding projects are open ended with no particular planned outcome.  Free art is the result of what a  child creates and should never be what adults perceive it should be.  The sense of freedom and accomplishment a child feels build his or her self esteem.

Emergent Drawing and Early Handwriting

Children have the opportunity to draw, color and use chubby and triangle shaped markers to introduce multi-sensory techniques for beginning drawing.  Those beginning scribbles and lines are the learning to emergent writing for young children.

Beginning Letters and Early Language

Through storytelling, finger plays, flannel board stories and sign language teachers will encourage children to develop their language skills through repetition and conversation.  These are crucial tools to give children the opportunity to express themselves using language.  We believe strongly in Early Literacy and support each child’s individual love of books and the learning experiences along the way.

Beginning Numbers and Early Math Concepts

Early math is incorporated into our daily curriculum.  Math helps children make sense of the world around them, develops reasoning and problem solving skills.  Math activities include learning how to count, sort toys and age appropriate small manipulative objects; and recognizing patterns.   Sorting and early counting are integral throughout children’s early learning experiences.  Forming objects and patterns with play dough provides children opportunities to build early math concepts by sorting and counting what they’ve made.

Exploring Science and Sensory Through The World Around Us

Science is taught through observation and hands on activities.  The children have opportunities to explore the world around them while experiencing cause and effect situations throughout daily learning experiences within their indoor and outdoor classrooms.

Outdoor Adventures and Physical Play Experiences

Children have ample time several times each day to play and explore the great outdoors on an age appropriate and well equipped play ground designed specifically for toddler exploration and open ended adventures and play.  Ample opportunities to learn balance, flexibility, hopping, jumping and other areas of physical movement in early childhood has been shown to improve children’s focus, concentration, problem solving, speech, language, reading, writing, and social-emotional development.

Toddler Schedule

Sample Schedule

6:30-8:30 *First 2 hours of Operation Classrooms Combine Mixed Age Groups for Early Arrivals

6:30-8:30 Creative Centers

  • Dramatic Play
  • Science and/or Sensory Play
  • Manipulative Play
  • Music and Movement

8:35-8:45 Clean Up

8:45-9:00 Small Group Circle Time

  • Story Time (theme related)
  • Songs (theme related)
  • Finger Plays/Puppets
  • Flannel Board

8:45-9:00 Hand Washing/Transition to Morning Snack

9:00-9:30 Morning Snack

9:30-9:45 Diapering

9:45-10:15 Art Projects

10:15-10:45 Transition to Outdoor Play/Community Walk/Nearby Park

11:00-11:05 Transition Indoors/Hand Washing/Prepare for Lunch

11:05-11:20 Small Group Time/Puppets/Songs/Transition to Lunch

11:30-12:00 Homemade Lunch (prepared on site)

12:00-12:15 Quiet Play /Hand Washing/Diapering/Transition to Rest Time

12:15-2:15 Rest Time

2:00-2:15 Quiet Activities for Early Risers

2:15-3:00 Diapering/Hand Washing/Transition to Afternoon Snack

2:30-3:00 Afternoon Snack

3:00-3:15 Transition to Outdoor Play

3:15-430/5:00 Outdoor Play (weather permitting)

3:15-4:30/5:00 Indoor Play

  • Creative Centers
  • Thematic Activities
  • Manipulative Play
  • Science and/or Sensory Play

4:30/5:00-6:00 Multi Age Focus Boxes/Creative Centers/Thematic Activities/Manipulative Play

4:00-6:00 *Last 2 Hours of Operation Classrooms Combine Mixed Age Groups for Late Departure